Clear Skies

Clear Skies
Clear Skies . Never Edit

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Private Beach, Anvaya Cove ('08)

Private beach .... or so they say.
It's not Boracay but it's 2 1/2 hours away from the city.
Good service .... and the burgers were AWESOME.

Anvaya Cove
LOMO shot w/ Kodak Ektachrome 100D Slide Film

Outdoor spa
LOMO shot w/ Fuji Velvia Silde Film

Coconut Trees (almost sunset)
LOMO shot w/ Fuji Velvia Slide Film

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This Will Never Get Old, ARCADES.

I remember "Whimsey Land" back in 1996
I remember "Dreamscape" & "Game Masters" in Galleria (1999)

Powerstation ... Timezone ... it doesn't matter.

This will never... EVER get old.
I love going to arcades.

Powerstation @ Shangri-La Mall
LOMO Shot with Kodak Professional Ektachrome 100D Slide film

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

LOMO @ Greyone Social, Rockwell (Dec2008)

Greyone Social ... Rockwell.
I miss this place.
Those were GREAT memories.

Greyone Social @ Powerplant
LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia Slide film

DJ Ace trying to mirror LOMO w/ Double Exposure
LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia Slide film

LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia Slide film
LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia Slide film 

LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia Slide film

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I LOVE Up Dharma Down.


YES i do.

Up Dharma Down @ Route 196, Katipunan
LOMO Shot with Kodak Professional Ektacrome 100D Slide film
(excuse the smoke blurrry-ness)

Up Dharma Down's guitar pedals.
LOMO Shot with Kodak Professional Ektacrome 100D Slide film
Love how all the colors pop-out because of the flash. <3


Back in 2008, I started out taking LOMO pictures using my COLORSPLASH FLASH.  

Norby from Overtone.
LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia slide film w/ Orange flash
Love love love the splash contrast of the colored flash against the slide film.

My friends & I
LOMO Shot with Fuji Velvia slide film w/ White flash